Saturday, April 12, 2014

Is Being Overweight Affecting Your Sex Life?

That is the question of the day.  It’s not intended to intrude upon your private life so much as shed light on how you see yourself.  How you feel about yourself affects what you do, as much as what you don’t do.  If you don’t feel sexy, or are unhappy with how you look, you are less likely to engage in intimacy on any level with your partner, leading to frustration for both of you.  Keep in mind that if you don’t feel attractive, it likely manifests in a way that leaves your partner thinking you don’t find them appealing.

Life today is hectic and demanding.  As a people, we tend to choose the easy road when it comes to our health and appearance.  Popping a “new miracle weight loss pill” is much quicker than reading labels in the grocery store, or spending time preparing a healthy meal.  It’s easier to buy the next size up or break a sweat squeezing into Spanx, instead of exercising.  We convince ourselves that “As long as I look good I must be fine…who needs a check up?!” even though everything we know proves that poor health is associated with excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle.

My point?  You can change everything in this equation!  Love your appearance (…and leave the lights on), relish newfound energy, and delight in the new roads you and your partner travel together as a result of this new lifestyle.  You can have everything you want; as long as you believe you deserve it!  That belief is what will help motivate you to change your life. 

The simple truth is there is no better feeling than knowing you are in great shape, and looking like it.  The best part?  Everyone else knows it, because they can see it too.

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