Friday, March 20, 2015

Body Image Is What You See Really What You Get?

Hey people! Darrin your Starting Over Coach, here to discuss body image and how it affects our lives and decisions we make regarding health and weight loss.

Welcome to America where the streets are paved with gold, money grows on trees, and everyone is living the American dream.  In reality we live in a world of false images where we like to play a little game called “Let’s hide the truth”, when it comes to health and body image.  In this game the rules encourage you to never be the real you.  Bonus points are awarded to those who can afford procedures like: Botox, collagen injections, face lifts, liposuction, gastric bypass, tummy tucks, breast implants, butt lifts, dyed hair (…everywhere), tattooed eyebrows, etc., etc., etc. 

Mainstream media has distorted our views on what is considered beautiful.  Beauty is youth, beauty is thin…beauty is a flawlessly airbrushed image in a magazine.  You’re told that once you’re thin and beautiful the gates of the good life will be flung wide open for you.  Your dream man/woman will magically appear, accompanied by your dream career, dream house, dream car, dream family, dream whatever, and you will live happily ever after, right?  

This line of thinking is less than conducive to healthy living or realistic expectations.  In a lot of unfortunate cases, it’s “be beautiful or die trying”.  The American research group Anorexia Nervosa & Related Eating Disorders, Inc. says that “one out of every four college-aged women uses unhealthy methods of weight control—including fasting, skipping meals, excessive exercise, laxative abuse, and self-induced vomiting.”

According to one of the latest ‘miracle pill’ commercials, “It’s great being thin”.  Keep in mind that selling these almost unattainable images to women has its benefits; the benefits of ever increasing revenue for the diet industry.  “It is estimated that the diet industry is worth anywhere between 40 to 100 billion (U.S.) a year selling temporary weight loss (90 to 95% of dieters regain the lost weight)”  

Are we heading down the path of self-destruction in the name of self-improvement?  The media leads you to believe that if you don’t look like the woman/man in the magazine there must be something wrong with you, and that attaining that level of ‘perfection’ is a never ending process.  Magazines, more often in women’s than men’s, are bursting with articles designed to create a new and improved you through phenomenal weight loss, miracle working beauty products, or special cosmetic procedures.  It practically becomes ingrained in you to believe that you’ll never be good enough.

The sad thing is most of the images you worship are the works of artists who take hours to airbrush every imperfection out of existence.  These images are figments of their skill and vivid imaginations.  They’re not real, or realistic!  The editors alter the models from head to toe.  Their skin tones, complexions, eyes, cheek bones, lips, breasts/pecs, waistlines, thighs, and anything else they deem imperfect…back rolls and all!  Ever clicked your heels and wished to be a cartoon character?  No!  Why?  You know somebody drew them; therefore they are neither real nor representative of what actual human beings look like.  The same thought process should apply when it comes to what the media claims, but somehow it doesn’t and women and men turn to crazy and often dangerous diet fads.  Try a plan that only allows you to eat 500 calories a day, or requires you to inject yourself with crazy chemicals, or eat nothing but fruit and water, or eat nothing after 4 pm, and insanity ensues.

The plan administrators tell you nothing of the havoc fad diets wreak on your body and hormones.  The diet outline certainly doesn’t prepare you for the psychological pain you endure when you gain the weight back- and then some.  

Cosmetic procedures aren’t any better.  If you went into surgery with poor eating habits and no plan to fix that aspect, you’re coming out of surgery with the same poor habits, and bandages.  It’s no secret that nothing can replace a healthy diet and exercise!  You get out what you put in! You put crap in and you’ll look like crap, plain and simple, and no miracle pill can change that or your eating habits.  

The weight didn’t appear overnight, so what makes you think that it will disappear overnight? Common sense can go a long way here people.  We must change what we see in our minds before we can change what we see in the mirror or the media!  One of the most beloved beauty icons of all time was Marilyn Monroe- and she was a size 14.  Let’s not make the goal to be thin. Genetics alone may prevent some of us from ever getting there.  But that’s ok because we can focus on getting healthy.  

When you treat your body right on the inside,
it has no choice but to shine on the outside,
and that’s just beautiful.

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