Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Why Can’t We Lose Weight? Part 4

Hey everybody, Darrin your starting over coach back again!

Question:  Knowing there are so many fitness and weight loss programs to choose from, how are you going to know which one is best to help you reach your goals?

Everybody responds differently to the mental aspect of fitness and weight loss. Some people focus on the physical aspect, while others try healthier eating habits.  Many consider fitness to be anything ranging from walking around the mall, to jogging outside, to 5lb weights used with a workout tape, to a Bow Flex.  Healthier eating habits, to some, can range from going vegan to not supersizing that fast food meal. 

We approach fitness and weight loss with a broad brush, but we can’t pinpoint what works.  Then we get frustrated and say that’s enough!  I can’t do it at home, I’ll join a gym.  Now that’s a good choice, but what happens next?  You still have a hundred options to wade through.  Should I go to an aerobics class, should I swim laps, or should I walk around the track?  Don’t forget about the equipment.  Which machine does what, and how do you use it?  If you’re lucky, you’ll get an introductory tour, but then you’re on your own. 

Ok, ok!  I’m not trying to stress you out, but a gym can be very confusing without guidance.  So what do you do?  You talk to Joe Sales Rep who gives you several options, the best of which point in one direction; a Personal Trainer.  That is probably the best advice anybody could give you, so what’s the problem?  The problem is value.  A lot of people want to do things on their own, it’s hard enough admitting they need help, and they certainly don’t want to pay for it!  With so much cheap information out there, why should you pay for a Personal Trainer?  You can surf the net, buy a magazine, get a $19.95 DVD, shop around for the cheapest gym…

Remember, you get what you pay for.  How’s that been working for you so far?  See you soon…

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